
Monday, September 16, 2013

We cannot remain passive

“Mainstream media in the United States is the most efficient weapon of mass oppression…. … there is so much divide and conquer rhetoric – it goes from the mainstream media and it filters all the way down into independent media. So it’s a matter of finding that place where you can overcome the divide and conquer propaganda. And where we can find that place is on Wall Street…. How would a million people clogging lower Manhattan’s financial district play out in the global media? If we came down there and said: ‘We’re not leaving until we have commitments to break up the banks and end the campaign finance racket.’… We have the highest, most severe inequality of wealth we have ever had, unlimited campaign spending, budget cuts for the poor, tax breaks for the rich – this is the ultimate recipe for revolution… Decentralized global rebellion. Decentralized resistance. Decentralized revolutionaries.”

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