
Friday, December 9, 2011

American's need ''REAL CHANGE''

The Federal Reserve is an illegal entity. Their very nature is to counterfeit money. It's sad that this entity has actually made it this far, let alone, come into existence. And not just The Federal Reserve, but also all banks like it that think that they can carry out these deceitfully devilish actions. It's a shame how Ron Paul has to actually explain and argue the dyer consequences of a central bank and banks like it. That truly tells you something about idiocy & ignorance in this country

How much more fiat money are we talking about? No one knows. But of one thing you can be certain: No matter how much fiat currency comes flowing out of the tap, it won’t be enough. Like every estimate for a government project I’ve ever seen, the final numbers will be many times higher than the ones they first give us.

Where is the leadership on the right that’s denouncing this extremely dangerous game? Well, actually, there is one person who is speaking out loudly, boldly and clearly: my favorite Texas Republican, Ron Paul.

“This will flood world markets with more dollars and will soon mean rising prices for every American at the grocery store,” Paul warned. “This extra liquidity will temporarily ease the cash crunch for irresponsible bankers all over the world, but in the long run it will make the situation much worse for consumers all over the world.”

Yes. Keynes said, “In the long run, we’re all dead.” That’s what the banking and government elites are counting on.

Paul also said: “Make no mistake — this is not capitalism and this is not how a free market operates.” No, it’s the most odious kind of crony capitalism: planned in secret among our self-appointed rulers in the White House, Congress and at the Federal Reserve.
Into this void has stepped a man whose reputation for integrity, honesty, and principles is unimpeachable. He has ideas which address nearly every single problem that this country faces. He wants to follow the Constitution, restore civil liberties, end the foreign occupations, downsize government, restore sound money and reform the Entitlement State. If we elected Dr. Ron Paul would all of these things happen overnight? Of course not. Many of his solutions would take years to successfully implement, but the ideas are powerful and very important. Ron Paul represents the idea of a radical reformation of our country – based on the principles enunciated by the founding fathers.

These ideas were profoundly powerful when they were written down in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. If Ron Paul can sufficiently stir the American populace, his ideas will take root even if he does not subsequently win the GOP nomination. If this happens, U.S. policy and the entire course of our country could shift much faster than most people realize. Nothing is more powerful than an idea, and few ideas are as powerful as the concept of liberty. It is time that we finally tried something different. Ron Paul represents real change.

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