
Friday, November 18, 2011


There is only one path to freedom, and it is terribly straight and narrow. To navigate it one must shed prejudice, education, political correctness, patriotism, greed and fear. Realizing the profound depth of the deception can be frightening; a slew of long-held beliefs will come tumbling down. Much of the truth is, by design, diametrically opposed to what we have been ”taught” to consider moral, ethical, even decent. Whatever term one wishes to apply to consciousness, revolution without it is simply exchanging masters. The enemy is ignorance in all its insidious forms.

The real revolution needs no leaders, banners, or platforms. Each awakened man’s consciousness is his own guide. Those looking for a place to sign up are simply looking for more enslavement. The controllers are well aware of the danger to their pyramid and will surely toss out some interesting schemes to hold on to power. The enemy of awareness is distraction, but the antidote is simple: close out, turn off, unplug and ignore.

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